Tag: Quechua

Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Colombia!

Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Colombia!

Though most famous for its high crime rate, it is the languages of Colombia that the country should truly be known for as a combination of both the New and Old Worlds... just not how you'd think. In recent years, the country has tried to position itself as a home for digital nomads - internet entrepreneurs who need no fixed base to operate from - drawing in hundreds of foreign entrepreneurs from across the world... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Official Languages of Colombia Spanish English Amerindian Languages of Colombia Arawakan Quechuan Cariban Tupian Foreign Languages of Colombia Romani Portuguese
Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Ecuador!
Learning Languages

Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Ecuador!

The home of the alpaca and Galapagos Islands, Ecuador is probably one of those countries you never think about. You've probably never thought about the languages of Ecuador either... Yet despite not being known for its linguistic diversity and having lost many of its indigenous languages to time, Ecuador is home to dozens of languages from all across the world. Not bad for a country roughly the same size as Nevada! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Official Languages of Ecuador Spanish Indigenous Languages of Ecuador Quechua Shuar Pasto Awa Sequoia Waorani Siona Embera Colorado Cofan Zaparo Foreign Languages of Ecuador English Portuguese French Chinese
Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Star Wars
Learning Languages

Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Star Wars

A franchise that began in 1977, Star Wars has grown immensely since then, into almost every form of media available. But one thing that has remained fairly constant are the languages of Star Wars, which are both intricate and numerous. Indeed, you could fill dozens of articles about fictional languages in popular media just on those used in the Star War universe. Interestingly, however, unlike other franchises (think J. R. R. Tolkein's Hobit trilogy, the Star Trek or Game of Thrones franchises) who wholly make up their own languages, Star Wars borrow heavily from or blatantly use less well known or endangered languages like Quechua and Haya for their in-universe language! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Galactic Basic Mando'a Tusken ...
13 endangered languages you need to learn!

13 endangered languages you need to learn!

Today, there are a staggering 2500 endangered languages! However, some are incredibly endangered, and could go extinct in our lifetimes! Here they are... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 13. Quechua Quechua's greatest claim to fame is the language of the Hutts from Star Wars, perhaps the most famous of all fictional languages. However, Quechua is also one of the most endangered languages on this list (although not as much as #1). There are currently 2.3 million speakers of Quechua, mainly in the Peruvian Andes but also Bolivian. Quechua suffers from what many indigenous languages in the former Spanish Empire do- the emergence of Spanish. Spanish has become more spoken over the years, with the government and media using it more and more. ...