

Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Africa!

Africa is a huge place. Over three times the size of the US, and almost three times the size of Europe with a population of over 1.2 billion, Africa is a diverse place to say the least, with the languages of Africa being equally diverse too. Having hundreds of ethnic groups and minority languages, as well as European languages - the byproduct of colonization from years gone by - the African continent is the most linguistically diverse continent on the planet! So here are the most spoken/important languages spoken on the African continent... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Primary Official Languages Whilst the continent of Africa itself doesn't have any "official" languages, the countries in Africa do. The following are the most frequently o...
11 Dialects of French You Need to Know About For Your Next Trip!

11 Dialects of French You Need to Know About For Your Next Trip!

Today, French is spoken in 29 countries by 270 million people, making it one of the most spoken languages on the planet. Naturally, with so many speakers there are hundreds of dialects of French, some of which are more well spoken than others... For the purposes of this article, we will only focus on the 11 most spoken dialects, eg. those you are the most likely to come across! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 11. Standard French According to the Académie Française (the official regulator of the French language) Standard French, or the dialect of French that serves as the official language of France, is the standard variant of the French language. When the Romans conquered Gaul (France) they brought their language with. For the elites, they ...
15 Most Spoken Dialects of Spanish You Should Learn!

15 Most Spoken Dialects of Spanish You Should Learn!

Spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the world, being spoken by roughly 580 million people. With that many speakers, it's not hard to believe that there are hundreds of dialects of Spanish spoken all throughout the world! For the most part, these dialects are only spoken by a few hundred people in remote parts of majority Spanish-speaking countries, yet a few of these are spoken by hundreds of thousands, if not millions. of people... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 15. Castilian Spanish 14. Andalusian Spanish 13. Canarian Spanish 12. Filipino Spanish One of the main reasons Spanish is so well spoken today is thanks to its old colonial empire, which it used to spread its language and culture. Whilst it's most famous 11. C...
Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of China!

Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of China!

Today, it often seems like China is taking over the world, their industry is seemingly everywhere, and their language is spoken by 1.3 billion people. Yet, the languages of China are not as cut-and-dry as you may think... Indeed, as with pretty much every other country in the world, there are numerous languages spoken in China. 302 to be exact, more so than any other country on Earth (but then again, China is the fourth largest country in the world!) (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Official Language of China According to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, there is only one official language of China: Standard Chinese If you live in the west, chances are that you've never heard of someone refer to it as "Standard Chinese"...
Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Luxembourg!

Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Luxembourg!

As with almost every other European countries, the languages of Luxembourg are diverse to say the least. Due to this, the languages spoken in Luxembourg are perhaps some of the most intriguing we've ever looked at... Unlike other countries, the vast majority of the country speak only two languages. In fact, the language you'll hear a Luxembourger use isn't based on geography, but rather situation, with different situations needing different languages! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Official Languages of Luxembourg According to the Constitution of Luxembourg, there are three official languages of Luxembourg. These are: French When you think of a European country that speaks French, chances are that your mind goes straight to France, perhap...
Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Belgium!

Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Belgium!

Today, Belgium is at the crossroads of Europe, bordering France, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Due to this, the languages of Belgium are some of the most diverse in Europe (and that's saying something!) Currently, there literally thousands of languages spoken in Belgium, ranging from some of the world's most spoken languages, to small languages you've never heard of, which are spoken by only a handful of people in a small Belgian village... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Official Languages of Belgium According to the Belgian Constitution, there are three official languages of Belgium, which most Belgian citizen are able to speak at least two of. These languages include... Dutch By far the most spoken of Belgium's three offici...
Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of The United States!

Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of The United States!

The United States is often known as the "melting pot of cultures" due to centuries of immigration. As a result, the languages of the United States are certainly some of the most diverse of any country we've covered to date! Whilst in the English-speaking world, the US is known for speaking English, there are literally thousands of languages spoken in the US, ranging from high-spoken languages like Spanish, to Native American languages only a few people speak... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Official Languages of The United States It may surprise you, but according to the Constitution, the US has never (and shall never) have an official language, due to America's position as the "Melting pot of nations" and the myriad of different languages t...
Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Italy!

Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Italy!

If I were to ask you what language was spoken in Italy, you'd probably respond quite quickly: Italian. However, what if I told you that the languages of Italy go far beyond just Italian, even if it is the most famous! As of the time of writing, Italy has a population of roughly 60 million people. These 60 million people speak literally hundreds of languages, many of which are widely spoken, whilst others are confined to a remote village... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Official Languages of Italy According to the Italian Constitution, there are two official languages of Italy. These are the languages that all Italians need to know at least one of... Italian Two hundred years ago, the country we know as "Italy" did not exist. The langu...
Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Britain!

Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Britain!

When you think of the languages of Britain, you probably think of English. After all, it is the island where the language originates from. However, you'd be surprised to know that there are hundreds more languages spoken in the country! Whilst the languages of Britain may not be as diverse as many other European countries, Britain is home to its fair share of strange and unique languages you can't find elsewhere... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); National Languages of Britain According to British law, the de facto language of the United Kingdom is English. However, this isn't English the Americans know it, but rather British English, which is stereotypically more refined than American English. British English, otherwise known as simply "...
Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Germany!

Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Germany!

To many, the only language spoken in Germany is German. However, what if I told you that the languages of Germany were some of the most diverse, not only in Europe, but also in the world?! In total, Germany has a population of about 83 million people (as of the time of writing). These 83 million people speak hundreds of different languages, some which are widely spoken, and some that are native to only a small village... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); National Language According to the German Constitution, whilst there are a number of regional languages spoken throughout the country, the only official language spoken throughout the country, is German... Throughout the country, there are a number of different German dialects, most of which c...