Tag: Languages

Learning Languages

6 best language aids?

Last week, I had the fortune to sit in on a secondary (high) school French lesson. In that lesson, a student asked the teacher what he could do at home to help his language skills. So what are the best language aids? The best online language aids are Duolingo; Quizlet and Memrise. The best language aids are your surroundings, Coffee Break Podcasts; City Speakeasy Review. 1) Duolingo For those who haven't heard of Duolingo. Duolingo is a free online learning platform- specifically catering to learning foreign languages. It also has a 'rewards' system- each time you log in and get a certain amount of XP. You get a reward. Each time you complete a section. You get a reward. It also has a friendly mascot nicknamed 'Duo' or 'the Duo bird' that is aimed at children- and to get the...
Why Chinese Doesn’t Rule The World

Why Chinese Doesn’t Rule The World

Chinese is the most spoken language in the world with roughly 1.2 billion native speakers. Much more than the measly 360 million native English speakers, or the measly 350 million native Spanish speakers. So this begs the question, why isn’t Mandarin, the Lingua Franca? There are many reasons why English is the Lingua Franca and not one of the many dialects of Chinese. One of the largest may be the fact that 1.5 billion people speak English as either a first or second language. This is more than the speakers of the many dialects of Chinese. And plus, the 1.5 billion speakers of English, are dispersed throughout the World, not just situated in one country. In this case, only China and some of its surrounding countries. Most people know that if a Uruguayan man, a Russian man and ...