Tag: hyperpolyglots

Hyperpolyglots- What is it? Why are there only 1000 of them?

Hyperpolyglots- What is it? Why are there only 1000 of them?

When you meet someone who speaks one or two second languages, it’s impressive. But when you meet a hyperpolyglot, it will blow your mind... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); But what exactly is a hyperpolyglot? Before we can define a hyperpolyglot, we need to define other language labels. These definitions come from those stated on ILanguages.org.  Monolingual- someone who speaks only one language. Monolingualism constitutes roughly 40% of the world’s population.Bilingual- someone who speaks two languages to an equal level of fluency. Bilingualism constitutes roughly 43% of the world’s population. Trilingual- someone who speaks three languages to an equal level of fluency. Trilingualism constitutes roughly 13% of the world’s total popula...