Tag: Colombia

15 Most Spoken Dialects of Spanish You Should Learn!

15 Most Spoken Dialects of Spanish You Should Learn!

Spanish is one of the most spoken languages in the world, being spoken by roughly 580 million people. With that many speakers, it's not hard to believe that there are hundreds of dialects of Spanish spoken all throughout the world! For the most part, these dialects are only spoken by a few hundred people in remote parts of majority Spanish-speaking countries, yet a few of these are spoken by hundreds of thousands, if not millions. of people... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 15. Castilian Spanish 14. Andalusian Spanish 13. Canarian Spanish 12. Filipino Spanish One of the main reasons Spanish is so well spoken today is thanks to its old colonial empire, which it used to spread its language and culture. Whilst it's most famous 11. C...
15 Colombian Slang Words to Sound Like a True Native!

15 Colombian Slang Words to Sound Like a True Native!

Just about every language in history has its own slang. Colombian Spanish is no different. This begs the question, which are the best Colombian slang words you could learn? Spanish is among the most spoken languages in the world, with Colombian Spanish being one of the most spoken Spanish dialects. In many ways, Colombian Spanish is similar to Mexican Spanish, but in others, it is not. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 15. Parcero / Parcera - Dude / Girl In most language's slang, there is an endearing term used between two very close friends. In Italian slang, this is frate, whereas in Colombian slang, it is parcero / parcera. Literally, a parcero or a parcera is a male/female partner. With that, many Colombian teenagers have recently reinven...