Tag: Albanian

Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Kosovo!
Learning Languages

Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Kosovo!

A partially recognized state in the Balkans others consider a part of Serbia, Kosovo isn't known for its linguistic diversity. Though not as diverse as other European countries, the languages of Kosovo are more diverse than you'd think, especially given the nation's history... Featuring languages from five distinct language families, Kosovo maintains an uneasy balance between the various languages spoken within its borders to avoid causing yet another ethnic conflict in the Balkans. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Official Languages of Kosovo Albanian Serbian Regional Languages of Kosovo Bosnian (Serbo-Croatian) Turkish Romani Gorani Foreign Languages of Kosovo English Russian
Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Finland!
Learning Languages

Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Finland!

Known for being the happiest country in the world and for its saunas, Finland isn't particularly well known for its linguistic diversity. Yet the languages of Finland are some of the most impressive of any European country we've studied to date. Home to almost two dozen languages from three continents and nearly 20 different language families, no one can deny that Finland's linguistic diversity isn't impressive... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Official Languages of Finland Finnish Swedish Minority Languages of Finland Sami Karelian Kalo Immigrant Languages of Finland Hebrew Yiddish Tatar Russian Estonian Somali Arabic Kurdish Albanian Chinese Vietnamese Persian Thai Spanish Ur...
Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Vatican City
Learning Languages

Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Vatican City

At 0.17 square miles in size with a population of only 825 people, you'd expect the Vatican City to speak only one or two languages. Yet, the languages of the Vatican City are more diverse than any other country in Europe. Not bad for the smallest country in the world. Indeed, it is the only country where Latin is the official language, and there over 40 languages spoken in the country, some with billions of speakers, and others with only a few hundred thousand... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Official Languages of Vatican City According to the Vatican City, there are two official languages spoken in the country - one historical/cultural/clerical language and one administrative language. Latin (Clerical/Historical Language) Italian (Adm...
Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Italy!

Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Italy!

If I were to ask you what language was spoken in Italy, you'd probably respond quite quickly: Italian. However, what if I told you that the languages of Italy go far beyond just Italian, even if it is the most famous! As of the time of writing, Italy has a population of roughly 60 million people. These 60 million people speak literally hundreds of languages, many of which are widely spoken, whilst others are confined to a remote village... (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Official Languages of Italy According to the Italian Constitution, there are two official languages of Italy. These are the languages that all Italians need to know at least one of... Italian Two hundred years ago, the country we know as "Italy" did not exist. The langu...
9 Newest Languages in the World
Learning Languages

9 Newest Languages in the World

Two weeks ago, we covered the oldest languages in the world. Today, we will find which are the newest languages in the world, which are the youngest languages that are still used today! Most of these languages are novelty languages, or are severely endangered languages at the least. This subject often comes with a lot of arguments. People often define the term "newest language" in different ways, which often leads to this topic being quite heated. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 9. Afrikaans (340 years) Afrikaans is considered to be the newest national language. When South Africa became independent in May 1910, Afrikaans as well as ten other languages, became South Africa's national language. Afrikaans began when the Dutch first settled i...