Belgium is often associated with being a rip-off France. But I assure you, that it is not! There are tons of strange, yet interesting facts about Belgian culture and Belgium itself!
Belgium is that little country on the north-east border with France. It has a population of only 11.4 million people and a GDP of 492.7 billion USD!
Belgium was never really meant to be a country. Had it not been for the Dutch Revolt in the seventeenth century, Belgium would be the most north-eastern part of France!
After being part of the largely protestant, Dutch-speaking Netherlands for almost a century, the largely French speaking, catholic southern regions revolted in 1830. By 1831, they had been given their independence.
1. Belgium is a monarchy
Something you probably didn’t know, what that Belgium is actually a monarchy! After the Belgian Revolution of 1830, the European powers decided that Belgium should be a monarchy.
In July 1831, Belgium announced that Leopold I would be crowned as their king. However, unlike many monarchs, such as the Spanish or the British, who style themselves as “King/Queen of Spain/Britain”, the Belgian kings style themselves as “King of the Belgians”.
This is probably one of my favorite facts about Belgian culture as I never knew Belgium had a monarchy in the first place! Let alone one that had survived to this day!
2. Benelux French
Belgium doesn’t speak standard French, rather a slight variant of the language spoken throughout Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, called Benelux French.
As a general rule, a Benelux French speaker and a France French speaker can understand one another, there are just a few differences based on older/newer words being used, words being taken from Dutch and slight pronunciation differences. Much like the differences between Standard English and American English!
This was certainly one of the more shocking facts about Belgian culture when I was researching this. Most people don’t understand that there are more than one variant of French!
3. No unified language
When you picture a European country, one like France or Germany, you probably assume that they’re all one cohesive country that all speak one language or a variant of one language. Belgium, apparently didn’t get the memo.
Whilst Belgium may be one of the countries who use Benelux French, not everyone speaks it, nor any variant of French for that matter! There’s actually quite a divide between French and Dutch speakers in Belgium!
This is definitely one of the more shocking facts about Belgian culture when you realise that the language that you speak determines much of your future life. If you speak French, you are wealthier than someone who speaks Dutch!
4. International headquarters
How many cities can say that they are the headquarters of three of the most powerful organisations on Earth? Brussels, Belgium’s capital, certainly can!
Brussels is the headquarters of the EU (and European parliament by extension), NATO and Airports Council International Europe. OK, maybe the last one isn’t on a par with the first two, but it’s still powerful nonetheless!
This is probably one of those facts about Belgian culture that you said “Of course it is!” to, but had never really given it much conscious thought!
5. Antwerp is the “Diamond capital of the world!”
Antwerp is affectionately known as the “Diamond capital of the world” this is due to their large diamond focus since the fourteen hundreds. At present, almost 85% of all diamonds sold annually pass through Antwerp!
Antwerp is home to the largest rough diamonds in the world! Most are cut from rough diamonds into the shapes most people will recognise, and then sold on, where they will be sold at retail value!
This was one of the more shocking facts about Belgian culture, simply due to the sheer scale of it!
6. New York is technically Belgian
OK, maybe it isn’t. The Belgian military isn’t about to invade the US and claim back New York for the Belgian crown. It might, but I highly doubt it.
New York was established by Peter Minuit, a Belgian explorer who was tasked with finding tradable goods in the Americas. On his search, he came across a tribe, who were willing to sell him some land. Land which he bought for 60 guilders, or $1,500 in today’s money.
That land is now called Manhattan! One of the most expensive parts of America!
This is probably one of the most surprising facts about Belgian culture as you’d have never guessed it! Especially not at that price!
7. Belgium was the first nation to ban cluster bombs!
Why did I include this? I have no idea! But it is certainly not the first thing you’d have expected to read on this list!
In 2006, the Belgian Parliament passed a resolution to outright ban the use of cluster bombs in warfare. Since then, 107 other states have banned the use of cluster bombs outright! With many more banning them except in grave circumstances.
This was certainly one of the facts about Belgian culture that threw me! I never knew that Belgium was to thank for banning cluster bombs! Well done Belgium!
8. Compulsory education
Just like France, Belgium values its education system. Belgium values it so much, that it enforces that all of its citizens must be in full time education until they are 18.
Belgium is one of only ten countries that have a minimum age of education that high! (Most others stop education at 16 or seventeen!)
This was one of the more shocking facts about Belgian culture, not because Belgium does it, but simple the amount of countries that do it! How on Earth is it that low?!
9. Brussels National Airport sells the most chocolate
If you ever want to go to a chocolate shop in Belgium that is guaranteed to never run out of chocolate, Brussels National Airport is the best airport to go to!
The Belgian Chocolate House is the largest chocolate outlet in the entire world! And do you know what the best part is? It’s all 100% duty free! (Yes, duty free, sadly, it isn’t just free…)
This is one of the coolest facts about Belgian culture as it certainly isn’t the place you’d think of necessarily! Although, it does make sense as to why it is the largest chocolate outlet in the world!
10. Beer! Beer! Beer!
Did you know that Belgium is absolutely obsessed with beer? Each year, they drink 150 litres of the stuff, and there are more than 800 types of beer brewed all across Belgium!
All of the beer is either a regional specialty or is a national beer brand. The world’s largest beer company- AB InBev, who owns Anheuser-Busch among others, is headquartered and incorporated there too!
This was certainly one of the more surprising facts about Belgian culture, as I had no idea the Belgians were so into their beer!
Got any more amazing facts about Belgian culture? Remember, if your business is looking to advertise to the Belgian market, our translation services are world class!