Afghanistan is one of those countries that is larger than you’d think. Home to hundreds of different ethnic groups separated by mountain ranges, the languages of Afghanistan are as wide ranging as the mountain ranges that separate them.
Beyond those languages native to the so-called “graveyard of empires”, recent years have seen many more languages spoken in the country, meaning that the country speaks languages spoken by millions/billions of people, and those indigenous to a single village.
Official Languages of Afghanistan
Dari (29.7 Million)
Pashto (19.02 Million)
Regional Languages of Afghanistan
Uzbek (3.8 Million)
Turkmen (761,000)
Balochi (380,000)
Pashayi (380,000)
Nuristani (380,000)
Foreign Languages of Afghanistan
English (1.9 Million)
Hindustani (761,000)
Arabic (380,000)
What do you think about the languages of Afghanistan? Do you speak any (besides English of course)? Tell me in the comments!