Italian is known for being one of the most sophisticated languages, as well as one of the most romantic. There are several romantic Italian phrases that are sure to make that special someone feel special, but which are the best Italian love words?
Even if you aren’t dating an Italianophone (Italian-speaker) yet, it might come in handy to know a few romantic Italian phrases, after all, Italian may not be one of the most spoken languages, but it is certainly common across the world!
So which are the ones that will come in most handy?
17. Ti amerò per sempre
Assuming that you’ve been with someone for a while, regardless of whether you’re married or not, ti amerò per sempre is perhaps one of the most romantic Italian love phrases you could use!
Ti amerò per sempre translates as “I’ll always love you” or “I’ll love you forever”. Just as with its English counterpart, it is only used by people who have been together for a long time.
Due to this, it is more common among adults who’ve been together for a while, although, you will occasionally hear young adults who’ve been together for a while use it as well.
16. Ciao bello/bella
Let’s say that you’re married to the love of your life. When you wake up an greet each other, and when they come home from work, most Italians greet their partner with one form of this.
Ciao bello (used for males) translates as “Hello handsome”, where ciao bella (used for females) translates as “Hello beautiful”. It is also used in the same context as “Hello honey” is, in English.
To many in Italy, ciao bello/bella is seen as one of the most romantic Italian phrases, even if they don’t really think about using it before they do.
15. Ti amo
Ti amo is by far one of the most common Italian love words. Alongside the next entry (ti adoro), it is perhaps the most romantic Italian phrase, that any Italian could say to another, even if it is really common!
Ti amo translates as “I love you” and is used in almost the same context that “I love you” is used in English- with one major exception- family. You wouldn’t say ti amo to your siblings, but you would say it to your spouse.
If you go to restaurants in Italy, and just listen, it’s highly likely that you’ll hear couples of all ages using ti amo. Regardless of whether they’re 15, 50 or 100!
14. Ti adoro
The other main way you can express your feelings for someone you love is to use ti adoro– the less romantic, but still as endearing way of expressing your feelings.
Literally speaking, ti adoro translates as “I adore you” however, is generally used in the context of saying “I love you”. Unlike ti amo, you can use ti adoro with anyone, whether its your spouse, mother or grandson!
Just as with ti amo, ti adoro is incredibly common. Not only will you hear couples of all ages use it, but you’ll also hear families and sometimes even close friends use it with one another!
13. Vuoi uscire con me?
No article on the most romantic Italian phrases would be complete without vuoi uscire con me? Let’s suppose that you’ve had a crush for a while, and you’ve told them that you like them.
Now, you are probably going to want to ask them if they want to go out with you. The best way to do that is to use vuoi uscire con me? Literally, it translates as “Would you like to go out with me?”
Another way to as vuoi uscire con me? is to ask vuoi essere il mio ragazzo? (to a man) or vuoi essere la mia fidanzata? (to a woman) meaning “Do you want to be my boyfriend/girlfriend?”
12. Vuoi sposarmi?
After you asked your boyfriend/girlfriend vuoi uscire con me? and you’ve been dating for a while, you might one day decide to pop the big question, which in Italian is vuoi sposarmi?
Vuoi sposarmi? literally translates as “Would you like to marry me?” or more commonly translated as “Will you marry me?” and is used exclusively in that context.
But beware, if you plan to ask vuoi sposarmi? to your partner, make sure to ask the bride’s father first. Italian culture, as with much of Western culture is very strict and expects that the groom will ask the bride’s father for her hand in marriage.
11. Possiamo baciarci?
Let’s assume that you have told your crush you like them. Let’s assume that you have both decided to go on a date with one another. At the end of the date, you might want to ask your date if you can do something.
This is where you can use possiamo baciarci? Literally translating as “Can we kiss?” or “May we kiss?” In Italy, this is mostly done on the second or third date, however is done on rare occasions on the first date.
If you haven’t enjoyed the date, or just don’t want to kiss them, you can politely decline it with a simple “No” rather than making a big deal out of it.
10. Sei l’amore della mia vita
Let’s say that you’ve been with someone for a long time. You’ve been with them longer than you could’ve ever imagined, and you want to tell them just how much you love them, you can use sei l’amore della mia vita.
Sei l’amore della mia vita translates as “You are the love of my life”. Just as with its English counterpart, it is seldom used, but it very romantic when it is used.
For most Italians, being told, or having the privilege to say “Sei l’amore della mia vita” is like hitting the jackpot. As such, many view it as one of the most romantic Italian phrases!
9. Mi piace il tuo sorriso
If you’re on a date and you really want to make him or her (although mostly used for her) feel special, you could decide to use mi piace il tuo sorriso, which is the Italian equivalent of me gusto tu sonrisa in Spanish.
Mi piace il tuo sorriso translates as “I like your smile” or more commonly “I love your smile”. As state before, it can be used to describe a man’s smile, although is more commonly used to describe a woman’s.
Just as with its equivalent in most other languages, mi piace il tuo sorriso is extremely common. If you were to go to a restaurant in Italy and listen to people on dates, you’d certainly hear it once or twice!
8. Hai dei bellissimi occhi
Let’s say that you’re on the perfect date with the man or woman of your dreams. Let’s say that you really want to make them feel extra special, the best way to do that is to tell them hai dei bellissimi occhi.
Hai dei bellissimi occhi translates as “You have beautiful eyes”. If you really want to, you could also couple it with the aforementioned mi piace il tuo sorriso.
Just as with mi piace il tuo sorriso, it is extremely common. If you listened in on dates in Italy, you will certainly hear it a lot, even more so in certain circles than others!
7. Ti amo così come sei
If you’re on a date, or just feel as though you want (or need) to make your partner feel special, you could tell them “Ti amo così come sei” and it’ll almost certainly make their day!
Ti amo così come sei translates as “I love you just the way you are” or “I love you how you are” if you want to be literal. This is particularly ever-present in TV shows and movies, especially romance films.
Many in Italy and beyond agree that ti amo così come sei is one of the most romantic Italian phrases. There is also the fact that ti amo così come sei is very common and used throughout a couple’s time together.
6. Ti amo ogni giorno di più
When you’ve been with the man/woman of your dreams for several years, you might decide to tell them “Ti amo ogni giorno di più“.
This is because, ti amo ogni giorno di più tranlsates as “I love you more every day”. As such, it is seen as very sacred by most Italians, whether they are born Italian or become a naturalized citizen.
Many in Italy see this too, as being one of the most romantic Italian phrases, and something that you should only say when you truly mean it- when you’ve been together for many years.
5. Voglio passare il resto della mia vita con te
If you’ve been with him or her for a while, or perhaps just a little bit, and you are smitten with them, you might decide to tell them “Voglio passare il resto della mia vita con te“- it’ll certainly make them smile!
This is because voglio passare il resto della mia vita con te translates as “I want to spend the rest of my life with you” although it is also translated as “I would like to spend the rest of my life with you”.
Due to its very romantic undertones, many Italians view it as one of the most romantic Italian phrases that you could ever say to someone you’ve been dating for a while!
4. Siamo fatti l’uno all’altra
This one is one of the most widely used Italian love phrases. On one hand, it can be used between two people who have been together for a while, on the other hand, it could be used to tell a crush how much you like them.
However, if you do choose the latter, and they do not like you back, it may create a scene. Which is why it is generally used between people who’ve been together for a while.
This is because siamo fatti l’uno all’altra translates as “We are made for each other” which probably explains why in some cases it may be a bit weird!
3. Cuore/Tesoro mio
No article on the most romantic Italian phrases would be complete without Italian’s equivalent of “Honey” and “Baby”.
In Italian, these are cuore mio and tesoro mio often used in the same context as honey and baby (as well as “Darling” and “Sweetheart” too!) Literally, cuore mio translates as “My heart”, where tesoro mio translates as “My treasure”.
These phrases are generally used by both men and women. However, men tend to refer to their partner as tesoro mio, whereas women tend to refer to their partner as cuore mio.
2. Mi ami?
Let’s assume that you’ve told your crush that you like them. Now, you want to find out if they also have the same feelings for you as well. This is where mi ami? comes in useful.
Mi ami? literally translates as “Do you love me?” (coming from the same verb as ti amo from earlier). However, depending on context, it can also be used to question your love for someone.
Mi ami? is most commonly used by teenagers and young adults (who are often out dating). However, it isn’t uncommon among people who have already settled down (although is usually used in the context of the latter).
1. Mi hai cambiato la vita
It’s often said that love that set you free. It’s also said that love can make you do silly things you wouldn’t do otherwise. But at the end of it all, you are a better person for it all.
If you want to tell your partner that their love for you has changed you for the better, or that they have positively impacted your life, you can tell them “Mi hai cambiato la vita“.
Mi hai cambiato la vita translates as “You have changed my life”. Whilst it can be used in a negative context, it is most commonly used in a positive way- they have made you a better person.
Which were your favorite romantic Italian phrases? Tell me in the comments!