It’s often said that the French culture is the most sophisticated culture out there. It is also said that it is the most advanced in many ways. France is known for many things, whether it’s the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and the Notre Dame, but there are far more interesting things…
Unlike Germany or Spain, France is old. Really old. In some form or another, France has been around since 481 AD. This was after the founding of the Frankish Empire, which was the direct predecessor state to France itself*.
*Some people disagree with this, as France has fractured several times since, and has been re-founded by different monarchs, generals and so on!
1. French culture is everywhere!
One of the best things about having an empire is that your culture spreads all around the world alongside it! This was no different for France either!
Thanks to the various French Empires (yes, there was more than one!) The French culture and language spread around the world! Thanks to this, countries such as Tahiti, France, Morocco, Canada and Mauritius all have the French language and culture!
2. Bread! Bread! Bread!
This is one of the more interesting facts about French culture, not just because it’s odd to an Englishman such as myself (even though I love bread!) But it’s because it’s a common theme! Not only do the French love their bread, but so do the Spanish!
French is an essential part of the French diet! Just like the Spanish, the French has bread present at every meal.
Breakfast? No worries, here’s a pain au chocolat (bread with chocolate)!
Lunch? No worries, here’s a ham and cheese baguette!
Dinner? No worries, here’s some rolls!
Cultural tip: always buy bread fresh! It tastes so much better!
3. Religion is a complicated subject
It’s often said that religion is the cause of all European war. Yet France isn’t as religious as it once was.
France isn’t as non-religious as other countries like the Czech Republic, who’s atheism rate is 75%!
Whilst most of France’s Christians are Catholics, but there are a small minority of other Christians sects too! France is also home to a large minority of Jews and Muslims, with the latter having some controversy in the past few years!
Even within the Christians, religion isn’t very present…
4. Church and state
For a country that is known for being so religious (historically anyway), France today has a funny way of showing it.
All religious symbols are banned in most schools! This means a Muslim girl can’t wear a headscarf, a Jewish boy can’t wear a skullcap and a Christian can’t wear a cross on school premises.
This is by far one of the oddest facts about French culture as France has spent years fighting over religion, including a war known as “World War Zero” (the Seven Years’ War).
This leads to an interesting phenomenon, that I have only ever seen France, and France alone do…
5. Two weddings!?
One of the weirdest facts about French culture out there. Due to the separation of church and state, and the lack of religion inside of schools (as is present in British and American schools), this has led to a weird phenomenon: the two marriages.
No, French men are not permitted to have multiple wives, nor are French women permitted to have multiple husbands. But, French people can (at their own discretion) get married on two separate occasions (maybe even on the same day or in the same week!)
French people, to be considered by the law to be married, have to go to a Mairie to get married, rather than a Church. The Mairie operates much like the Registry Office in the UK. It is the place where the newly weds come to sign the marriage license that makes them officially married in the eyes of the law.
However, this doesn’t stop newly weds from going to the Church to get married in the eyes of God. This is what leads to a very French phenomenon, of two weddings!
Next time you see your French teacher, you can tell him/her one of the weirdest facts about French culture! It’ll sure impress them!
6. French language is important!
I can already hear you saying “Really?! The French language is important in… France! Who would’ve thought that!”
But this is one of the more interesting facts about French culture- and one foreigners need to be aware of!
If you find yourself in France, no matter where, for God’s sake, try to use some French! Even if it’s a little rusty!
The locals will love that you are trying, and even encourage you to try speaking a bit more French!
However, if you waltz into a French town or village, and expect everyone to speak, you are sorely mistaken. Yes, some will speak French, but your insistence on speaking English over French will annoy them.
If you are visiting a region of France that has its own culture or even language, try to use that too! If you are visiting a region of France such as Occitanie, use some Occitan, the same rule applies here!
7. July 14th
As with almost every country, France has a national day. For the US, it’s July 4th, for France, it’s July 14th!
One of the most important facts about French culture is to never forget this. If you find yourself in France on a July 14th celebration, join in! Even if you aren’t French, it is seen as incredibly rude for you not to join in with the celebrations!
Plus, if you love fireworks, you’ll love the celebrations, especially if you’re in a large city like Marseilles, Lyon or Paris!
8. Dress code
Each culture tends to have its own formal or informal dress code. In Saudi Arabia for instance, the full body covering is essential for women. In America, the dress code is more informal, with people owning several waredrobes full of clothes.
In France however, this is not the case. French women especially see this as more important to follow the phrase “Less is more!”
In France women will typically have few outfits, preferring to wear the same base outfit once a week, spicing it up with new accessories each time!
This is one of the most important facts about French culture as French women don’t like it when foreigners do not conform to this typically French tradition!
9. Water or wine? L’eau ou le vin?
France is famous for its wines. Wine plays a huge part of French culture, even now.
During a typical meal, you can expect to drink one of two beverages- wine (le vin) or water (l’eau).
Don’t expect that you can turn up to your French girlfriend’s house, and drink more Coca-Cola than you can imagine. It simply will not happen. It’s more likely that you’ll be offered water or wine with your meal.
And let’s face it, most French people (stereotypically) choose wine!
Knowing the importance of water and wine is one of the most important facts about French culture there is!
10. Meals are important
Just as wine and water are important, so are the meals themselves. And French meals are not for the faint of heart either.
They go on for ages and there is more food than you could imagine!
In France, it’s generally understood that a meal should last for an hour, at least. Sometimes, meals can last for as long as four or five hours. So, read some Voltaire before your next French business meeting and luncheon, you will need it!
French meals also consist of at least three courses (all containing some source of bread as well!) This allows you to pace yourself from overeating, this, combined with your debates on Voltaire or the state of the French economy!
This is one of the most important facts about French culture, as you will be seen as incredibly rude if you try to hurry up the meal!
What other interesting facts about French culture are there? Remember, if your business is looking to advertise to the French-speaking market, our translation services are world class!